Database Analysis Report

Executive summary

This report comprehensively analyzes the auto parts sales database for(Automobile Spare Parts Sales). The primary focus is understanding sales trends, identifying high-performing products, Analyzing the most profitable products for the upcoming quarter, and evaluating inventory management efficiency. Key findings indicate strong demand for specific spare parts categories, varying sales patterns over time, and opportunities to improve inventory levels. Recommendations are provided to enhance sales and inventory management strategies.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Objectives

  3. Methodology

  4. Data Collection and Preparation

  5. Data Analysis

5.1 Sales Trends

5.2 Product Performance

5.3 Predictive analysis

5.4 Analysis of returned products and estimated defects

5.5 Inventory Analysis

  1. Findings and Interpretation

  2. Recommendations

  3. Conclusion

1. Introduction

This report examines the sales data of [Automobile Spare Parts Sales]'s automobile spare parts database. The analysis covers data from (01.01.2030) to (31.12.2039), providing insights into sales performance, customer behaviour, and inventory management.

2. Objectives

1) Identify trends in spare parts sales. to evaluate the performance of different products.

  • Monthly Sales of Each Product Over Time.

  • Monthly Profit of Each Product Over Time.

  • Monthly Profit of Each Product Over Time (Completed Orders Only).

  • Monthly Gross Profit for (Hydro Fuel Converter) in 2039.

  • Monthly Profit of Each Product Over Time in CSV file format.

2) Predictive analysis of data using sales history For the past year.

  • The total expected profit for all products for the next quarter.

  • The most profitable products for the next quarter. (Top 5 Products).

3) Determine the percentage of returned products and potential defects for each product.

  • The Most Returned Products For All the Years.

  • The most returned products in the last year, 2039.

  • Estimated Defect Rates for Products.

4) To assess the efficiency of inventory management.

  • Forecasted Inventory Requirement for the First Two Months of Next Year.

3. Methodology

The analysis included data extraction using SQL queries and data cleaning to ensure accuracy. Analytical tools such as (MySQL, ChatGPT, Python, Pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, and Numpy) were used to perform in-depth analysis of sales, product, customer, and inventory data.

4. Data Collection and Preparation

The necessary data was extracted from the company's sales and inventory database. This includes sales numbers, order details, product names, and the start and end dates of the sale. It includes data cleaning, classification of sales according to requirements specified by the customer, and verification of inventory records.

5. Data Analysis Section

5.1 Sales Trends

  • Monthly Sales of Each Product Over Time.


5.2 Product Performance

  • Monthly Profit of Each Product Over Time.


We also see a clear difference between the two charts because in the first, all sales were included, even returns, but in the second chart, only completed sales were counted.

  • Monthly Profit of Each Product Over Time (Completed Orders Only).


  • Monthly Gross Profit for (Hydro Fuel Converter) in 2039.

I analyzed one product for the last year to match the results with the previous chart for all products.

Below are the detailed monthly gross profits for the HydroFuel Converter in 2039:


  • MonthlyProfit of Each Product Over Time in CSV file format.

Through this file, you can check the results in detail and compare them in numbers with previous charts.

5.3 Predictive analysis

Predictive analysis of data using sales history for the past year. Estimated analysis only. From this analysis, we conclude the sales pattern and which products will achieve the most profits and must be focused on and permanently available in stock.

  • The total expected profit for all products for the next quarter.


  • The most profitable products for the next quarter. (Top 5 Products).

Here's a table displaying the estimated profits for the top 5 products for the upcoming quarter:

These estimates are based on the average monthly profits from the most recent year, extrapolated to the next quarter. Remember that these are projections and actual future profits may vary based on various factors.

5.4 Analysis of returned products and estimated defects

I suggest that notes should be made about the reasons for returning products and what problems there were in the product that led to its return, and an attempt should be made to avoid these problems to increase sales and gain trust among customers.

  • The most returned products in the last year, 2039.


  • Most Returned Products For All the Years.


  • Estimated Defect Rates for Products.

This analysis is only an estimate as the database does not have any field indicating the product defects or the reason behind the defects for each product. To address this, it is recommended to include a new field in the database that records details such as defective products, the date they were returned, and the reason for the defect of each product for more accurate analysis.

5.5 Inventory Analysis

Assuming that sales trends continue the following year as they are, how much product inventory would we need at the beginning of the year, to service the value of demand in the first two months?

  • Forecasted Inventory Requirement for the First Two Months of Next Year.

This analysis provides insight into which products to stock and which ones to avoid due to holding costs and frequent out-of-stocks.


6. Findings and Interpretation

  • Sales trends: The highest increase in sales of (Autopilot kits) for the product was observed during the specified period (Mid-year 2038).

  • Product Performance: The product (Hydrofuel converter) during the specified period (April 2037 and 2038) recorded the highest profits, which indicates the market's preference for this product.

  • Inventory analysis: Upon inventory analysis, it was found that certain items are overstocked, leading to increased holding costs, while others experience frequent stock-outs. Proper storage of products must be considered to match supply and demand.


7. Recommendations

  • Targeted Marketing: Focus on high-demand products during peak sales periods.

  • Inventory Optimization: Implement a just-in-time inventory system to reduce holding costs and avoid stock-outs.

  • Data-Driven Restocking: Use sales forecasts to guide inventory restocking decisions.

  • To improve the target results: all necessary information related to the products should be included in the database to adjust future analysis, for example (a table recording the individual defects of the products and the reason for return).


8. Conclusion

The analysis highlights significant opportunities for improving sales and inventory management strategies and avoiding problems resulting in returns. Implementing the recommended actions is likely to enhance operational efficiency and profitability.

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Microsoft Azure

Azure is the cloud offering from Microsoft. Numerous services are provided in Azure, not only for analytical requirements. Particularly worth mentioning from an analytical perspective are services for data storage (relational, NoSQL and in-memory / with Microsoft or OpenSource technology), Azure Data Factory for data integration, numerous services including AI and, of course, services for BI, such as Power BI or Analysis Services.


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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting usable information. On this basis, sound decisions can be made.

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Cloud Transformation & Container Technologies

Public, private or hybrid? We can help you develop your cloud strategy so you can take full advantage of the technology.


Software, Mobile and Web App Development

Standard software often cannot completely fulfill a company's own requirements - TIMETOACT therefore develops customized software solutions.

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Database technologies

Flexible, secure and fast database systems form the stable basis of your daily work. We manage your databases optimally.

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IBM Cognos Analytics 11

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IBM InfoSphere Information Server

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IBM Netezza Performance Server

IBM offers Database technology for specific purposes in the form of appliance solutions. In the Data Warehouse environment, the Netezza technology, later marketed under the name "IBM PureData for Analytics", is particularly well known.

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IBM Planning Analytics mit Watson

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IBM SPSS Modeler

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IBM Watson Studio

IBM Watson Studio is an integrated solution for implementing a data science landscape. It helps companies to structure and simplify the process from exploratory analysis to the implementation and operationalisation of the analysis processes.

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IBM Watson® Knowledge Catalog/Information Governance Catalog

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Decision Optimization

Mathematical algorithms enable fast and efficient improvement of partially contradictory specifications. As an integral part of the IBM Data Science platform "Cloud Pak for Data" or "IBM Watson Studio", decision optimisation has been decisively expanded and embedded in the Data Science process.

Articifial Intelligence & Data Science

Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Data Science is all about extracting valuable information from structured and unstructured data. Together with Artificial Intelligence (AI) – the ability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior – you can make accurate decisions, based on high-quality information. Moreover, you can react quickly to recent developments.

Data Science & Advanced Analytics

Data Science, AI & Advanced Analytics

Data Science & Advanced Analytics includes a wide range of tools that can examine business processes, help drive change and improvement.



Insurance companies live by making a promise to people - and that promise is security. Crucial to success is not only the mastery of new technologies and new forms of collaboration, but above all a change in corporate culture.


Proof-of-Value Workshop

Today's businesses need data integration solutions that offer open, reusable standards and a complete, innovative portfolio of data capabilities. Apply for one of our free workshops!

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Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

For some time, Data Science has been considered the supreme discipline in the recognition of valuable information in large amounts of data. It promises to extract hidden, valuable information from data of any structure.

Headerbild zu Operationalisierung von Data Science (MLOps)

Operationalization of Data Science (MLOps)

Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support almost any business process based on facts. Many companies are in the phase of professional assessment of the algorithms and technical testing of the respective technologies.

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Conception of individual Analytics and Big Data solutions

We determine the best approach to develop an individual solution from the professional, role-specific requirements – suitable for the respective situation!

Teaserbild zu Data Integration Service und Consulting

Data Integration, ETL and Data Virtualization

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Headerbild zu Data Governance Consulting

Data Governance

Data Governance describes all processes that aim to ensure the traceability, quality and protection of data. The need for documentation and traceability increases exponentially as more and more data from different sources is used for decision-making and as a result of the technical possibilities of integration in Data Warehouses or Data Lakes.

Headerbild zu Dashboards und Reports

Dashboards & Reports

The discipline of Business Intelligence provides the necessary means for accessing data. In addition, various methods have developed that help to transport information to the end user through various technologies.

Headerbild zu Digitale Planung, Forecasting und Optimierung

Demand Planning, Forecasting and Optimization

After the data has been prepared and visualized via dashboards and reports, the task is now to use the data obtained accordingly. Digital planning, forecasting and optimization describes all the capabilities of an IT-supported solution in the company to support users in digital analysis and planning.

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AI Factory for Insurance

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Headerbild Data Insights

Data Insights

With Data Insights, we help you step by step with the appropriate architecture to use new technologies and develop a data-driven corporate culture: from the development of new data sources, to exploratory analysis to gain new insights, to predictive models.


Digital transformation in public administration

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Headerbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Data Accelerator

IBM Cloud Pak for Data Accelerator

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Headerbild IBM Cloud Pak for Data

IBM Cloud Pak for Data

The Cloud Pak for Data acts as a central, modular platform for analytical use cases. It integrates functions for the physical and virtual integration of data into a central data pool - a data lake or a data warehouse, a comprehensive data catalogue and numerous possibilities for (AI) analysis up to the operational use of the same.

Headerbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

The IBM Cloud Pak for Automation helps you automate manual steps on a uniform platform with standardised interfaces. With the Cloud Pak for Business Automation, the entire life cycle of a document or process can be mapped in the company.

Headerbild zu Cloud Pak for Data – Test-Drive

IBM Cloud Pak for Data – Test-Drive

By making our comprehensive demo and customer data platform available, we want to offer these customers a way to get a very quick and pragmatic impression of the technology with their data.

Haderbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Application

IBM Cloud Pak for Application

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Headerbild zu IBM Watson Knowledge Studio

IBM Watson Knowledge Studio

In IBM Watson Knowledge Studio, you train an Artificial Intelligence (AI) on specialist terms of your company or specialist area ("domain knowledge"). In this way, you lay the foundation for automated text processing of extensive, subject-related documents.

Headerbild zu IBM Watson Discovery

IBM Watson Discovery

With Watson Discovery, company data is searched using modern AI to extract information. On the one hand, the AI uses already trained methods to understand texts; on the other hand, it is constantly developed through new training on the company data, its structure and content, thus constantly improving the search results.

Headerbild zu IBM Watson Assistant

IBM Watson Assistant

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Standardized data management creates basis for reporting

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Talend Data Integration

Talend Data Integration offers a highly scalable architecture for almost any application and any data source - with well over 900 connectors from cloud solutions like Salesforce to classic on-premises systems.

Headerbild Talend Application Integration

Talend Application Integration / ESB

With Talend Application Integration, you create a service-oriented architecture and connect, broker & manage your services and APIs in real time.

Headerbild zu Talend Real-Time Big Data Platform

Talend Real-Time Big Data Platform

Talend Big Data Platform simplifies complex integrations so you can successfully use Big Data with Apache Spark, Databricks, AWS, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure, Snowflake, Google Cloud Platform and NoSQL.

Headerbild zu Digitale Transformation bei Versicherern

Mastering digital transformation in insurance

Versicherer haben daher bereits die Chancen und Notwendigkeiten der Digitalisierung größtenteils erkannt. Trotzdem ist noch viel zu tun, denn Digitalisierung funktioniert nicht von einem Tag auf den anderen – besonders bei Versicherungen, bei denen es viele altmodische und langsame Prozesse gibt.

Headerbild IBM Cloud Pak for Data System

IBM Cloud Pak for Data System

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Headerbild zu Talend Data Fabric

Talend Data Fabric

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Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

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