HCL Leap and Volt

An intranet has the potential for a fully functional digital workplace. To achieve this, the individual user must have a variety of tools at his or her disposal: on the one hand, a web content management system that provides functions for internal communication. On the other hand, a social network provides the platform for collaboration. However, a truly functional intranet also requires methods for anchoring customized applications in the intranet.

HCL Connections Engagement Center (formerly known as XCC), already offers a wide range of solutions for creating and implementing applications. An attractive alternative to traditional options such as Domino Applications is the easy-to-use development platform HCL Leap (formerly Forms Experience Builder, FEB for short). With HCL Volt, Leap is now also available on the Domino platform. Using the same interface as Leap, Volt allows data to be stored and processed directly in Notes databases. Volt can be installed as an application on Notes without any additional hardware. 

Take responsbility of the design of your applications!

Cloud Computing

HCL Leap provides an easy way for users to build and deploy applications to their websites. This is possible without advanced technical knowledge thanks to the intuitive point-and-click interface. In a browser-based design environment, new web applications can be easily placed and customized. HCL Leap minimizes the time and effort required to develop interactive applications. The ease of use allows users to work on their forms independently without IT assistance, thus increasing their productivity.

The design of the applications can be modified individually via CSS. In addition, the integrated Responsive features enable an optimal display on all end devices. HCL Leap can be extended according to your individual requirements through service integration. Additional provision of data sets or other functions enable the connection to the form applications. This allows you to create personalized, highly functional apps that fit exactly into your interaction concept.

Advantages of Leap and Volt:

Replace old-fashioned paper processes with digital workflows
Teamwork with HCL Leap and Volt through cloud deployment
Detailed control over data organization and evaluation
Widgets by TIMETOACT - Integration in HCL Connections

Our Success Stories: