The independent auditor confirms that target has implemented and continuously improved the data security requirements.
Data protection has been a very high priority for all employees at target since the appointment of the data protection officer in 2016. As a contractor of project and maintenance services, target comes into contact with personal data in many cases. In the terminology of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are therefore processors.
We want to and must continue to ensure a high level of data security when processing personal data in order to protect the trust that our customers place in us.
All employees at target are sensitised to the topic of data security through regular, mandatory training. In addition, we are audited annually by an independent body to determine whether the required standards are met.
The 2020 audit, which was delayed until the end of the year due to the pandemic, builds on the 2019 report and includes adjustments that have been implemented since that report. The current audit is valid until the end of 2021 and takes into account the audit of critical aspects of data security.