Automated planning of transport routes

When planning truck routes, our customer was dependent on individual solutions. With a prototype that can be quickly and easily integrated into the existing infrastructure, we were able to optimize and standardize this process.

Task: Plan transport routes quickly and efficiently

One of our customer's core processes was a largely manual task: employees spent a lot of their time planning truck routes as efficiently as possible. A task that each user solved differently. Our goal was to standardize this process and thus save valuable resources.

Solution: Flexibly deployable prototype for automation

With the involvement of data scientists, internal business process analysts, and the users who would work with our solution, we developed an automation prototype that could be seamlessly integrated into the company's IT infrastructure.

We took over all phases of the project development - from the needs analysis to the planning and development of the prototype to the complete system integration and training of all employees who were to work with the finished solution.

Result: More efficient and user-friendly processes

We developed a reusable data science model that can be integrated into any infrastructure with little effort. Analyzing UI usage at an early stage helped us identify and integrate the most important functions in advance.

When it comes to automation processes, it is not always easy to reconcile the company's goals and the users' wishes. However, rapid iteration with fast feedback loops resulted in motivated prototype users and a solution that everyone is happy with.

Goals achieved

  • Conducting a user survey and an in-depth needs analysis beforehand

  • Planning incl. UI/UX Strategy, Dev Ops, Model Wrapping and Data Engineering

  • Development of an automation prototype and integration into the IT system

  • Training and consulting of the Data Scientists as well as all employees on site

Headerbild zu IBM Planning Analytics mit Watson

IBM Planning Analytics mit Watson

IBM Planning Analytics with Watsons enables the automation of planning, budgeting, forecasting and analysis processes using IBM TM1.


Jira Automation (Cloud)

Over the course of the Jira Automation training participants will learn how to reduce project complexity through well-designed automations. With automation in Jira Cloud, you can create automation rules based on dozens of triggers, increasing the value of Jira and empowering your entire team to manage process consistency and productivity.


Process Transformation, Integration & Automation

Using Process Transformation, Integration & Automation to react quickly to market changes and sustainably improve competitiveness.


Decision Automation

We offer a comprehensive service in the field of decision automation, ranging from consulting and design to implementation and operation

Headerbild zu Digitale Planung, Forecasting und Optimierung

Demand Planning, Forecasting and Optimization

After the data has been prepared and visualized via dashboards and reports, the task is now to use the data obtained accordingly. Digital planning, forecasting and optimization describes all the capabilities of an IT-supported solution in the company to support users in digital analysis and planning.

Headerbild zum TIMETOACT Onboarding
Referenz 9/28/20

Onboarding solution of TIMETOACT

Introducing new employees to the company is faster, easier and more efficient with an efficient ticket system in Jira, for example. Our experts have developed a solution for this.

Agile Transformation
Kompetenz 7/20/22

Agile transformation

Cross-team planning and strategy through scaled agility with Atlassian tools - your entry into successfully scaling agile teams.



X-INTEGRATE facilitates your entry into integration and automation projects, service-oriented architectures and digitalized process optimization with proven and innovative approaches.

Felss Logo

Quality scoring with predictive analytics models

Felss Systems GmbH relies on a specially developed predictive analytics method from X-INTEGRATE. With predictive scoring and automation, the efficiency of industrial machinery is significantly increased.

Headerbild zu Dashboards und Reports

Dashboards & Reports

The discipline of Business Intelligence provides the necessary means for accessing data. In addition, various methods have developed that help to transport information to the end user through various technologies.

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.

Icon Atlassian Jira Software
Produkt 8/9/22

Jira Software

Planning, tracking and releases of software for agile teams

Blog 11/22/22

Part 1: Detecting Truck Parking Lots on Satellite Images

Real-time truck tracking is crucial in logistics: to enable accurate planning and provide reliable estimation of delivery times, operators build detailed profiles of loading stations, providing expected durations of truck loading and unloading, as well as resting times. Yet, how to derive an exact truck status based on mere GPS signals?

Headerbild zu IBM Decision Optimization

Decision Optimization

Mathematical algorithms enable fast and efficient improvement of partially contradictory specifications. As an integral part of the IBM Data Science platform "Cloud Pak for Data" or "IBM Watson Studio", decision optimisation has been decisively expanded and embedded in the Data Science process.

Leistung 9/22/20

Working with CLOUDPILOTS

With the perfect partner at your side, many things are easier and more efficient, although a direct relationship with the manufacturer is appealing at first glance. But only at first glance!


Why work with us?

We live in the age of the customer. Changes due to digitalization and integration have placed the focus even more on the customer. Customers have never been this important, and they are more powerful market players than ever before.

Atlassian Jira Cloud
Produkt 9/2/22

Jira Cloud

Jira Cloud offers teams a flexible and scalable platform for project management and the planning and tracking of tasks.

Headerbild zu Automation mit Open Source

Automation with Open Source

Automation tools provide a remedy by independently taking over some of the tasks that would otherwise fall to developers.

Referenz 4/22/21

Flexibility in the data evaluation of a theme park

With the support of TIMETOACT, an theme park in Germany has been using TM1 for many years in different areas of the company to carry out reporting, analysis and planning processes easily and flexibly.

Blog 11/30/22

Part 2: Detecting Truck Parking Lots on Satellite Images

In the previous blog post, we created an already pretty powerful image segmentation model in order to detect the shape of truck parking lots on satellite images. However, we will now try to run the code on new hardware and get even better as well as more robust results.

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