Inbox helps to clear the mind

I hate distractions. They can easily ruin my day when I'm in the middle of working on a cool project. They do that by overloading my mind, buzzing around inside me, and just making me tired. Even though we can think about several things at once, we can only do one thing at a time.
Some of these distractions are important, but can't they just wait until I do Git Push?
After I started using the concept of the "Thought Inbox", that's exactly what happened. It helps me stay in the "flow" and finish work while missing things. Here's how it works.


The inbox is the critical part of my workflow. Not an inbox, but rather a thought inbox. As soon as something important but not urgent comes up, I put it in the inbox and get back to work.
Our brain is for coming up with the ideas, not storing them. Any stuck thought distracts and chains it down 🔗
Computers or paper, on the other side, are perfect for storing ideas. They don't feel a thing, so use them!
Inbox is such a mental shelf, where I can put a thought for a while. It clears my head and helps me to get back into the flow 🌊

Graveyard of sad ideas

I found that not everything works as inbox for me.
Chat with myself, scattered notes, open browser tabs - stop working after some time.
The Brain isn't stupid. If it sees that some shelf is just "a graveyard of sad ideas" (term by @alicetragedy), it will stop trusting it🤦

What makes Inbox tick: low friction and trust

For the inbox to work reliably, two things are needed:

(a) Inbox be easily accessible.
Putting something in shouldn't require cognitive effort. More effort — less likely it is for the inbox to be used. Voice automation and mobile entry are a plus.

(b) inbox should be processed regularly, every thought should be addressed.
Ideally, once every day, go through the inbox and clean it up: add ideas to a list, create tasks or simply discard. This can be a part of a Shutdown routine 🧹
Regular processing is the key for training the brain to trust the inbox. If it trusts — it will immediately drop the idea after recording it.
Ultimately, this saves mental energy throughout the day🔋

Inbox Apps

I use Apple Reminders as Inbox because:

  • Shared inbox is available across multiple devices: iPhone, iPad and MacBook.

  • There are multiple entry points depending on the situation: type, invoke shortcut or ask Siri.

Plenty of alternatives: Todoist, Trello, MS TODO


Using Siri to set reminders for the work day

In the long run, all of this serves to keep the mind clear; to keep it from being overwhelmed by the thousand little things an adult has to deal with in the modern world.

Even though we can worry about several things at once, we can only do one thing at a time!

Blog 11/15/22

5 lessons from running a (remote) design systems book club

Last year I gifted a design systems book I had been reading to a friend and she suggested starting a mini book club so that she’d have some accountability to finish reading the book. I took her up on the offer and so in late spring, our design systems book club was born. But how can you make the meetings fun and engaging even though you're physically separated? Here are a couple of things I learned from running my very first remote book club with my friend!


CLOUDPILOTS with Google Cloud @ SCCON 2024

At the Smart Country Convention in Berlin, we will show you how innovative cloud solutions can make your organization fit for the future.

Blog 10/10/22

Celebrating achievements

Our active memory can be like a cache of recently used data; fresh ideas & frustrations supersede older ones. That's why celebrating achievements is key for your success.

Blog 8/10/23

Machine Learning Pipelines

In this first part, we explain the basics of machine learning pipelines and showcase what they could look like in simple form. Learn about the differences between software development and machine learning as well as which common problems you can tackle with them.

Kompetenz 4/5/23

TIMETOACT provides support for ISO/IEC 19770-1 certification

As Certification Patron, we support you with ISO/IEC 19770-1 certification so that you can benefit from the advantages of certification. We develop and optimize your ITAM system according to the "Plan-Do-Act-Check" process model for an effective and efficient license management.

Blog 7/6/21

They promised it would be the next big thing!

Haven’t we all been there? We have all been promised by teachers, colleagues or public speakers that this or that was about to be the next big thing in tech that would change the world as we know it.

Blog 4/28/23

Creating a Social Media Posts Generator Website with ChatGPT

Using the GPT-3-turbo and DALL-E models in Node.js to create a social post generator for a fictional product can be really helpful. The author uses ChatGPT to create an API that utilizes the openai library for Node.js., a Vue component with an input for the title and message of the post. This article provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the project and includes links to the code repository.


Working across the Atlantic: an interview with Bill

What is it like to work for a German company as an American? We asked our American teammate Bill. The change from American to German work culture can be an exciting challenge. In our latest interview, Bill shares how he experiences these cultural differences, what has surprised him, and how he has integrated into the German way of working. Dive into the exciting dynamics of intercultural work!

Blog 9/14/22

Learn & Share video Obsidian

Knowledge is very powerful. So, finding the right tool to help you gather, structure and access information anywhere and anytime, is rather a necessity than an option. You want to accomplish your tasks better? You want a reliable tool which is easy to use, extendable and adaptable to your personal needs? Today I would like to introduce you to the knowledge management system of my choice: Obsidian.

Event Archive

IBM Think Digital Summit 2020

Meet us at the IBM Think Digital Summit, October 20 - 21, 2020! Among other things you can expect a presentation of our subsidiary ARS. Register now!

Blog 12/22/23

ADRs as a Tool to Build Empowered Teams

Learn how we use Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) to build empowered, autonomous teams, enhancing decision-making and collaboration.

Blog 8/10/22

So, I wrote a book

Join me as I share the story of writing a book on F#. Discover the challenges, insights, and triumphs along the way.

Blog 10/29/24

Third Place - AIM Hackathon 2024: The Venturers

ESG reports are often filled with vague statements, obscuring key facts investors need. This team created an AI prototype that analyzes these reports sentence-by-sentence, categorizing content to produce a "relevance map".

Blog 6/16/23

CSS :has() & Responsive Design

In my journey to tackle a responsive layout problem, I stumbled upon the remarkable benefits of the :has() pseudo-class. Initially, I attempted various other methods to resolve the issue, but ultimately, embracing the power of :has() proved to be the optimal solution. This blog explores my experience and highlights the advantages of utilizing the :has() pseudo-class in achieving flexible layouts.

Blog 3/11/21

Introduction to Web Programming in F# with Giraffe – Part 2

In this series we are investigating web programming with Giraffe and the Giraffe View Engine plus a few other useful F# libraries.

Blog 6/24/21

Using a Skill/Will matrix for personal career development

Discover how a Skill/Will Matrix helps employees identify strengths and areas for growth, boosting personal and professional development.

Blog 6/29/21

7 Positive effects of visualizing the interests of your team

Interests maps unleash hidden potentials and interests, but they also make it clear which topics are not of interest to your colleagues.

Leistung 9/22/20

Working with CLOUDPILOTS

With the perfect partner at your side, many things are easier and more efficient, although a direct relationship with the manufacturer is appealing at first glance. But only at first glance!

Blog 2/21/22

The Power of Event Sourcing

This is how we used Event Sourcing to maintain flexibility, handle changes, and ensure efficient error resolution in application development.

Blog 3/10/21

Introduction to Web Programming in F# with Giraffe – Part 1

In this series we are investigating web programming with Giraffe and the Giraffe View Engine plus a few other useful F# libraries.

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