Cloud platforms and automation technology

Why does your IT need a cloud platform?

Wading through endless options?

We help you select and implement up-to-date cloud platforms and cloud technology. Value stream-oriented organisations need suitable platforms so they can establish flexible IT delivery models. First-class standard services can be used via the cloud at the touch of a button. The public cloud is a good home base for new digital services, but your existing IT landscape will also benefit from cloud technology in your own data centre.

Cloud technology delivers infrastructure and cutting-edge services on tap

Flexible, rapidly consumable self-services thanks to a mix of private and public cloud

Automation and standardisation are key when you want to reconcile agility with stability

Our cloud platform engineers’ mission

Our expertise in implementing open source technologies and platforms based on IaaS, CaaS, PaaS and FaaS helps turn your IT into a cutting-edge cloud platform. We are experts in building hybrid landscapes and making your software development department more flexible, by introducing standardised services and technologies, both in your data centre and by creating a range of ‘landing sites’ in the common public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM).

Our work

We support an array of customers from various sectors (eGovernment, insurance, finance, logistics, automotive) in the following areas:

Outsourcing of platform operation

Implementation of cloud platforms

Optimisation of business processes

Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud

Technology strategy (container, storage)

Tools and marketplaces for DevOps teams

Cloud enablement for DevOps teams

IT security (BSI) and compliance

Automation with ARS PrimeSetup®

Our technology focus areas

We have supported platform projects in both private and public clouds for many years We are specialists in implementing and using
virtualisation technology (e.g., Terraform, Ansible, VMWare)
container technology (Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, CloudFoundry)and open source DevOps tools from the CNCF ecosystem

Logo RedHat

As part of this journey, we have focused on a diverse range of topics and developed partnerships with many different technology manufacturers. Our staff are certified to meet our customers’ requirements We cover nearly all common vendors and cloud providers – either ourselves or via our established partner network. We are geared to market requirements and the technology universe of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Do you want to use the advantages of the cloud in your organisation and talk directly with cloud experts? Then our Cloud Enablement seminar is just what you need. It’s a live session, so we can provide whatever you need right now. Whether we discuss strategies, analyse technologies or explain organisational impact, our time together will definitely help you take a step forward. You can bring all those burning questions you’ve been wanting to ask.

The event will focus on the big picture, motivation, and in particular the connections/dependencies between technology, organisation, processes and culture. At the seminar you’ll learn how to help create and evolve your company’s cloud strategy. See our current dates and further details here:

Automation excellence with ARS PrimeSetup®

We’ve created a solution to benefit our customers, bringing in our many years of experience in the highly automated operation of modern digital platforms (e.g., Red Hat OpenShift) in an environment of complex and extremely regulated data centres.

Benefits of this solution:

  • Reproducibility when building new container platforms (e.g., Red Hat OpenShift)
  • Shortening time-to-market when operationalising a container strategy
  • High platform stability due to automation

Decision Automation

We offer a comprehensive service in the field of decision automation, ranging from consulting and design to implementation and operation

Kompetenz 5/14/24

Graph Technology

We help you harness the power of graphs to transform your business. Our expertise spans from graph database modelling and graph data science to generative AI.


Digitalization and cloud transformation

We adjust the levers of your individual digitalization initiative for speed, adaptability, security and compliance!


Technology Adoption & Integration

Fully exploit the potential of your IT ► Together we will develop a targeted strategy and provide you with holistic support

Kompetenz 8/5/21

Shaping the future with technology

ARS Computer and Consulting is one of the leading companies in the field of software engineering. Our mission: The Art of Software Engineering. This includes high-quality consulting and successful projects for the agile development of high-quality software.


Cloud Transformation

Reduce operating costs, increase the efficiency of IT services and drive innovation faster with cloud transformation

Headerbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

The IBM Cloud Pak for Automation helps you automate manual steps on a uniform platform with standardised interfaces. With the Cloud Pak for Business Automation, the entire life cycle of a document or process can be mapped in the company.

Headerbild IBM Cloud Pak for Data

IBM Cloud Pak for Data

The Cloud Pak for Data acts as a central, modular platform for analytical use cases. It integrates functions for the physical and virtual integration of data into a central data pool - a data lake or a data warehouse, a comprehensive data catalogue and numerous possibilities for (AI) analysis up to the operational use of the same.

Headerbild zu Application Modernization

Application Modernization

Application Modernization focuses on modernizing existing applications. The key to success in Application Modernization is the strategy and selection of projects.


Jira Automation (Cloud)

Over the course of the Jira Automation training participants will learn how to reduce project complexity through well-designed automations. With automation in Jira Cloud, you can create automation rules based on dozens of triggers, increasing the value of Jira and empowering your entire team to manage process consistency and productivity.

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Cloud Migration | Atlassian

The TIMETOACT team has been able to develop best practices as a result of a large number of migrations in recent years. These form the foundation of our standards, templates, scripts, and checklists and help you to move securely into the Cloud.


ITAM / SAM & FinOps

We support you in the introduction and implementation of IT Asset Management, Software Asset Management and FinOps in your company with our expertise.

Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.

Technologie Übersicht

Consulting and solutions for AWS services

As a leading AWS Select Partner, we are at your side with help and advice. From strategy development to migration and optimization - with the extensive suite of AWS services, we will work with you to find the perfect solution for your requirements.

Senkrecht in die Cloud

Cloud Deployment

Companies use a large number of individual solutions. Largely standardized IT solutions can be obtained much more cheaply and reliably from the Public Cloud.

Headerbild zu Data Governance Consulting

Data Governance

Data Governance describes all processes that aim to ensure the traceability, quality and protection of data. The need for documentation and traceability increases exponentially as more and more data from different sources is used for decision-making and as a result of the technical possibilities of integration in Data Warehouses or Data Lakes.

Kompetenz 7/29/21

DevOps and CI/CD

A DevOps introduction gains momentum and focus with the support of our experts. We record the initiatives and capture the context of the company.

Der Cloud Anbieter überzeugt

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform saves you from costly investments and relies on high scalability that helps you drive innovation in your business!

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IT Controlling – Determination and allocation of IT costs

We help to make IT controlling processes efficient and effective and to introduce suitable procedures for the internal allocation of IT costs.

Kollaboration mit dem modernen Helpdesk
Produkt 4/5/23

Backup and recovery solutions for the cloud - HYCU in focus

Experience the ultimate cloud experience with the strong partnership of CLOUDPILOTS and HYCU. Our pioneering solutions are designed to meet all your cloud needs.

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