Cloud platforms and automation technology
Wading through endless options?
We help you select and implement up-to-date cloud platforms and cloud technology. Value stream-oriented organisations need suitable platforms so they can establish flexible IT delivery models. First-class standard services can be used via the cloud at the touch of a button. The public cloud is a good home base for new digital services, but your existing IT landscape will also benefit from cloud technology in your own data centre.
Our cloud platform engineers’ mission

Our expertise in implementing open source technologies and platforms based on IaaS, CaaS, PaaS and FaaS helps turn your IT into a cutting-edge cloud platform. We are experts in building hybrid landscapes and making your software development department more flexible, by introducing standardised services and technologies, both in your data centre and by creating a range of ‘landing sites’ in the common public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM).
Our work
We support an array of customers from various sectors (eGovernment, insurance, finance, logistics, automotive) in the following areas:
Outsourcing of platform operation
Implementation of cloud platforms
Optimisation of business processes
Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud
Technology strategy (container, storage)
Tools and marketplaces for DevOps teams
Cloud enablement for DevOps teams
IT security (BSI) and compliance
Automation with ARS PrimeSetup®
Our technology focus areas
We have supported platform projects in both private and public clouds for many years We are specialists in implementing and using
virtualisation technology (e.g., Terraform, Ansible, VMWare)
container technology (Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, CloudFoundry)and open source DevOps tools from the CNCF ecosystem
As part of this journey, we have focused on a diverse range of topics and developed partnerships with many different technology manufacturers. Our staff are certified to meet our customers’ requirements We cover nearly all common vendors and cloud providers – either ourselves or via our established partner network. We are geared to market requirements and the technology universe of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
Do you want to use the advantages of the cloud in your organisation and talk directly with cloud experts? Then our Cloud Enablement seminar is just what you need. It’s a live session, so we can provide whatever you need right now. Whether we discuss strategies, analyse technologies or explain organisational impact, our time together will definitely help you take a step forward. You can bring all those burning questions you’ve been wanting to ask.
The event will focus on the big picture, motivation, and in particular the connections/dependencies between technology, organisation, processes and culture. At the seminar you’ll learn how to help create and evolve your company’s cloud strategy. See our current dates and further details here:
Automation excellence with ARS PrimeSetup®
We’ve created a solution to benefit our customers, bringing in our many years of experience in the highly automated operation of modern digital platforms (e.g., Red Hat OpenShift) in an environment of complex and extremely regulated data centres.
Benefits of this solution:
- Reproducibility when building new container platforms (e.g., Red Hat OpenShift)
- Shortening time-to-market when operationalising a container strategy
- High platform stability due to automation