Der Hersteller Mendix ermöglicht Ihnen mit seiner Low-Code-Plattform auch mit kleinen Teams die Digitalisierung Ihres Unternehmens voranzutreiben. Kreieren Sie schnell individuelle Lösungen und lassen Sie, dank der einfachen Umsetzungsmöglichkeit, die Lösung direkt in den Fachabteilungen entwickeln. So können Sie ein Höhstmaß an Fachexpertise in die Entwicklung einfließen lassen und gleichzeitig die Ressourcen Ihrer IT schonen auf einer unabhängigen Plattform.

Mendix for Finance & Insurance
Drive the digitization of your business with Mendix.
Fast added value
Benefit from the possibilities of Mendix in your daily work routine
With Digital Insurance Suite everything clearly arranged in modern portals
New business, settlements, payments and adjustments all in one modern digital portal. Benefit from the flexible connectivity to meet all requirements of a digital insurance.
Enable customers to easily open investment pots with Portfolio Manager.
The B2C web app helps you open different investment pots of your portfolio. Customers can choose risk levels and define investment styles in the app and control the management independently or through brokers from fund selection to transactions.
Easily create forms with Underwriter Workbench.
Create dynamic forms for various insurance claims with this B2B and B2C web app. The applications also allows you to define a process and workflow dialog until the customer's signature.
We help you with your challenges!
Contact us now!
We look forward to a no-obligation exchange with you and will be happy to advise you on the Mendix solutions in the area of finance & insurance that are right for you. Just leave your message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.