HCL Connections

HCL Connections

After the revolutionary success of social networks in the private sector, social business has now also made it from hype to successful corporate strategy.

Nevertheless, the use of social software in companies does not resolve itself and must be planned far-sightedly. We are happy to assist you in developing and implementing strategies to achieve critical mass in your future corporate network.

HCL Connections is a leading social networking platform that helps you get your work done quickly and easily. With Connections, your company can engage the right people, accelerate innovation and deliver results. You can securely share knowledge across traditional organizational boundaries, improve decision making, increase productivity and accelerate time to market. 



HCL Connections 6.5 meets your requirements with flexible development options: on-premise or in the TIMETOACT MSP Cloud. This market leading social networking platform offers you the following advantages:

  • empower people and drive innovation: mobile, web and desktop, even offline
  • Involve people: Filter disturbing factors and illuminate ideas
  • Inspiration for innovation: personalized platform that allows ideas and communities to flourish
  • Trust in people: Work securely with customers and partners and get them talking

Contact us or visit the HCL website for more information about HCL Connections. We can help you develop and implement your social intranet strategy based on HCL Connections. Implementing connections, developing widgets and add-ons, and training your administrators and employees are also part of our portfolio.

You can find information about Connections Apps here.

Discover the Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT)

Our Success Stories:

einzelne Quadrate in bordeaux, türkis und grau
Produkt 12/1/20

CAT Connections Administration Toolkit

The CAT Connections Administration Toolkit simplifies administration and manages HCL Connections content.

HCL Connections

HCL Connections Engagement Center

The HCL Connections Engagement Center (formerly known as XCC) adds communication to the HCL Connections collaboration platform.

News 4/29/21

HCL announces monthly fixes for Connections

HCL has announced that there will be a new update strategy for Connections starting May 01, 2021. Therefore, starting in May, there will be monthly fixes for software issues reported by HCL Connections 7.0 customers.

HCL Leap & Volt

HCL Leap and Volt

An intranet has the potential for a fully functional digital workplace. To achieve this, the individual user must have access to various tools.

Blog 1/13/21

My Workflows During the Quarantine

The current situation has deeply affected our daily lives. However, in retrospect, it had a surprisingly small impact on how we get work done at TIMETOACT GROUP Austria.

Technologie Übersicht


As "HCL Platinum Business Partner" we have years of experience with these tools and will continue to support them for you in the future. The TIMETOACT GROUP is one of the largest HCL Software Services providers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Technologie Übersicht


As "HCL Platinum Business Partner" we have years of experience with these tools and will continue to make use of them in the future ✓

HCL Digital Xperience

HCL Digital Xperience

A portal server is particularly suitable for companies that operate many online services and applications. Several portal pages can be placed and wired together via the "portlet wiring".

Branche 2/20/25


Insurance companies live by making a promise to people - and that promise is security.



Do you have a special topic you want to be trained in? Please contact us. We will find and arrange the right training offer for you.

Headerbild zur Third Party Integration

Third Party Integration

The concept of bringing together the most important information in a central Digital Workplace platform (HCL and beyond) is now being continued with the ICEC Atlassian Confluence & Jira integration.

Kompetenz 5/14/24

Graph Technology

We help you harness the power of graphs to transform your business. Our expertise spans from graph database modelling and graph data science to generative AI.

Referenz 3/28/22

24/7 support guarantees stable operation of the intranet

The experts took over the operation of HCL Connections in the fall of 2020 and have since ensured the fail-safe stability of the platform.

News 5/23/24

HCL license and price adjustments as of 8.8.2024

HCL Software has informed us that the license and maintenance prices for the various product categories will be increased as of 8.8.2024.

Digital Workplace & Employee Experience

Digital Workplace & Employee Experience

The Digital Workplace gained in importance, especially in recent months, becoming indispensable for many companies. The Microsoft Office 365 platform provides an ideal basis for this development.

Headbilder zu innovativem Schadenmanagement für Versicherungen

Effective claims management for insurers

From claims creation to settlement, digital processes help in claims management ► More efficiency ✓ Positive customer experience ✓ Contact us now.


Crisis management & building a sustainable future with AI

Non-profit organizations develop AI models to tackle global challenges - and draw lessons for businesses worldwide




Blog 8/31/20

Innovation Incubator at TIMETOACT GROUP Austria

Discover how our Innovation Incubator empowers teams to innovate with collaborative, week-long experiments, driving company-wide creativity and progress.

Headerbild zu Tempo Customizing und Integration

Tempo Customizing and Integration

Adapt Tempo for Jira to your needs and integrate your Atlassian time recording into the ERP landscape, such as SAP or HCL Domino, seamlessly.

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