Digital personnel files enable data protection-compliant and complete management of sensitive data

TIMETOACT enables the digital management of approx. 1600 files and 20,000 personnel documents for Pfalzwerke.

At the latest when there is no more space in the office to store files in paper form, there is an urgent need for digitization. This was also the case at Pfalzwerke, where TIMETOACT has now created a digital management system for around 1600 files and 20,000 personnel documents. The management and processing of sensitive personnel data is now secure and involves less effort.

Initial Situation:

  • approx. 1600 files and 20,000 personal documents in paper form
  • no more space for storing the files


  • Use of IBM Content Manager and IBM Content Navigator for digital management and processing of personnel files

Added value:

  • Mobile working and access from anywhere is now possible
  • Secure and digital management of sensitive personnel data
  • Software is optimally adapted to the requirements of Pfalzwerke

Proactive consulting is very important to me, especially in a project that was very technical. And I can say: I felt very well advised by the TIMETOACT experts at all times.

Sebastian Neck Expert IT Coordination HR Pfalzwerke

No more room for filing - a digital solution is needed

The digital availability of company-related data significantly facilitates and accelerates everyday work. As much as the advantages of digital data outweigh the disadvantages, it is all the more surprising that many companies still have their files primarily in paper form.

This was also the case for the personnel files of Pfalzwerke, a leading energy supplier for the Palatinate region and the Saarpfalz district. These comprised approximately 1600 files and 20,000 personnel documents - and more are added every day. Due to a move to a new company building, these files were now to be digitized, as there was no longer any space available for them on site.

  • The core requirement in the project was to digitize the paper files using the existing software solution already in use at the energy provider. Since the move was already imminent, the project was to be implemented as quickly as possible.

TIMETOACT adapts the interface of the inventory software to the requirements

To implement the core requirement, a project team was formed consisting of Pfalzwerke employees, an external scanning service provider and ECM experts from TIMETOACT. The first step was to determine together which detailed requirements the solution should fulfill:

  • Appropriate authorization concept:
    Employees should only be able to access approved personnel files via a defined authorization management system. These authorizations should automatically adapt to changes in the position.

  • Fast retrieval of documents:
    Via metadata transfer in all personnel files, searched information should be quickly retrievable via keywords.

  • User-friendly user interface:
    The software should only enable the functions that the customer needs. Too many functions quickly make operation confusing

If several parties are involved, one gear has to mesh with the other. This worked excellently

Sebastian Neck Expert IT Coordination HR Pfalzwerke

As requested by Pfalzwerke, the IBM Content Manager, which had previously been used as a rudimentary SAP archiving system, was used to implement the requirements. Due to the high complexity of this system and the lack of a classic front end, TIMETOACT implemented the IBM Content Navigator, which represents the user interface of the Content Manager. It is a user-friendly content management client for searching documents, adding files and editing information. The big advantage of the IBM Content Navigator is that notes can be stored directly in the digital file, which prevents personal data from being sent by mail, which is a data protection risk.

Sample interface of the IBM Content Manager

IBM Content Navigator is a great interface to provide exactly the digital records management functionality the customer needs

Frank Trila Team Lead Enterprise Content Management TIMETOACT

After the requirements were recorded, the entire personnel files were scanned by the scanning service provider, indexed (metadata) and made available as a PDF. Incorrect metadata created during the scanning process was intercepted and corrected by TIMETOACT's experts during import into IBM Content Manager. In addition, the IBM software was adapted by the ECM experts with the help of a "TIMETOACT personnel files plug-in" so that the requirements can be optimally served. These include

Customized IBM Content Manager
  • Adaptation of the layout for a simple user interface
  • Optimal mapping of the personnel file structure
  • Enrichment of the files with additional metadata from an SQL database
  • Use of metadata for search/filtering
  • Possibility to maintain selection lists
  • Creation of new files on the basis of a template
  • Classification/structuring of new documents
  • Master data change for all documents in a file
  • Dynamic rights adjustment by changing the employee type (salaried:executive salaried)
  • Automatic adjustment of metadata depending on storage folder

Mobile working and digital file management is guaranteed

The digitization of all personnel files was completed just in time for Pfalzwerke's move to the new office building. All of the approx. 20 employees from personnel administration can now access the files online and manage, edit and add to them. The paper files are now outsourced and no longer used.

Great praise to TIMETOACT. The project was characterized by a continuous exchange. We were able to react quickly to challenges that arose at any time and the team around Frank Trila found solutions agilely and quickly.

Sebastian Neck Expert IT Coordination HR Pfalzwerke

TIMETOACT is currently still implementing an automated deletion workflow. On the one hand, this concerns the automatic solution of files affected by data protection law, and on the other hand, the manual deletion of personnel files via a dual control principle. The latter means that files that are already in a deletion or relocation process are marked accordingly to prevent processes from overwriting each other.

Pfalzwerke are known as the leading energy supplier in the Palatinate and Saarpfalz districts. In the meantime, however, they are much more than that: They have developed us into a market and customer-oriented multi-utility provider that is committed to the region and shaping its future with innovative offers.

Feel free to contact me!

Frank Trila
Teamleiter Enterprise Content Management TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH

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