Girl power in IT: a conversation with Sarah about her career path

International Women's Day 2025, our colleague Sarah talks about what the motto ‘For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.’ means to her personally. She talks about her journey in becoming a team leader, the unique challenges and opportunities in the IT industry, and her commitment to a work environment in which women can freely develop their potential.

International Women's Day and its significance

This year's International Women's Day has the motto ‘For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.’ What does this motto mean to you personally and in your professional environment?

Sarah: I am where I am today because I am lucky enough to live in a country where women enjoy the same rights as men. And even if not everything is perfect yet, I realise that equality has been accepted in most people's minds – at least here in Germany.

Becoming a team lead

You became a team lead and team coach in 2022. How did you get to this point, and what motivated you to take on this role?

Sarah: For me, it was a natural step in my development. My professional career began with an apprenticeship, followed by a few years in customer support. After that, I switched to consulting, and when the opportunity to become a team leader arose, I didn't have to think twice – I said ‘yes’ immediately. What I particularly appreciate about my current role is that I work closely with my colleagues, support them in their development and help them to overcome challenges.

Experiences as a woman in the IT industry

What challenges and opportunities have you experienced as a woman in the IT industry, and how have you dealt with them?

Sarah: The only ‘challenge’ I have perceived is that as a woman, you sometimes find yourself alone without any other ‘girl power’. However, it's not quite that bad in my everyday life, because I have very nice colleagues indeed and customers as well. I am also aware that other women have to overcome greater challenges.

Atlassian expertise and leadership

How does your expertise as an Atlassian expert help in your role as team leader? Are there synergies between these two areas?

Sarah: My team knows that they can rely on me with any concerns, whether organisational or technical. Of course, it's an advantage that my Atlassian expertise often allows me to offer competent solutions directly. This expertise also helps me to exchange ideas with my team on an equal footing and in a way that makes sense in terms of content. I think it's important not only to be a support in organisational matters, but to provide professional input as well.

Why catworkx?

What originally brought you to catworkx, and what makes the company so special for you that you want to stay with?

Sarah: The question is actually not so much what brought me to catworkx, but who: My dear colleague Ingo. We used to work together before, and when he changed to catworkx, I asked where he was going and what he was doing there. What I particularly appreciate about catworkx is the great trust in their employees. You are given the freedom to work independently without constant monitoring – that's what makes the company so special to me.

Empowerment and role models

Are there role models who have inspired you on your journey? And how do you want to empower and support other women in IT?

Sarah: My uncle probably unconsciously inspired me to go into IT when i was young. For ‘Girls’ Day', I was allowed to accompany him at work for a day – that deeply impressed me. But even today, I continue to draw inspiration from my colleagues, whether it's their ingenious approaches or exciting ideas.

My advice to other women: be encouraged to enter the IT field if you are fascinated by technology or processes! The IT world is so much more than just ‘coding’ – it offers countless exciting opportunities.

Looking to the future

Where do you see yourself in the next few years – professionally and personally? 

Sarah: To be honest, I don't have a fixed plan for the future – and i'm perfectly fine with that, because I'm happy where I am right now. As long as I don't get bored or being touched by new, exciting challenges, I feel home - professionally and personally.


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