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Location in Vienna

Find the catworkx GmbH, CLOUDPILOTS Software & Consulting GmbH, IPG Information Process Group Austria GmbH and TIMETOACT GROUP Österreich GmbH in Vienna


Location in Berlin

Find IPG Information Process Group AG GmbH Germany and CLOUDPILOTS Software & Consulting GmbH in Berlin


Location in Cologne

Find us on site in Cologne: catworkx, CLOUDPILOTS, IPG, novaCapta, synaigy, TIMETOACT, X-INTEGRATE: Im Mediapark 5; 50670 Cologne, Germany


Location in Dresden

Find IPG Information Process Group GmbH Germany in Dresden; Gertrud-Caspari-Str. 13; 01109 Dresden; +49 7531 957 3020; info@ipg-group.com


Location in Zurich

Find novaCapta Schweiz AG and TIMETOACT GROUP Schweiz GmbH in Zürich: Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich


Location in Bern

Find catworkx GmbH in Bern: Kramgasse 82, 3011 Bern, Tel.: +41 31 302 60 00, E-Mail: info-ch@catworkx.com


Location in Seligenstadt

Find novaCapta GmbH and TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH in Seligenstadt: Dr.-Hermann-Neubauer-Ring 40; 63500 Seligenstadt

News 2/25/25

The IPG Group becomes part of the TIMETOACT GROUP

The TIMETOACT GROUP acquires the majority of the shares of IPG Information Process Group Holding AG, based in Winterthur. Through the acquisition, the competencies for Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions in the DACH market are combined.

News 1/26/21

The IPG Group becomes part of the TIMETOACT GROUP

The TIMETOACT GROUP acquires the majority of the shares of IPG Information Process Group Holding AG, based in Winterthur. Through the acquisition, the competencies for Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions in the DACH market are combined.


Location in Stuttgart

Find catworkx GmbH and novaCapta GmbH in Stuttgart; Olgastraße 15; 70182 Stuttgart; Tel: +49 711 77940 0; Fax: +49 711 77940 19: Mail: info.stuttgart@novacapta.de


Location in Ravensburg

Find PKS Software GmbH in Ravensburg: Georgstraße 15; 88214 Ravensburg; Tel.: +49 751 56140 0; Mail: info@pks.de


Location in Innsbruck

Find catworkx GmbH in Innsbruck: Salzstraße 1, 6170 Zirl bei Innsbruck, Austria, Phone.: +43 1 9346360, Mail: info-at@catworkx.com


Location in Hamburg

Find us on site in Hamburg: catworkx GmbH, novaCapta GmbH, TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH


Location in Riga (Latvia)

Find Walldorf Consulting AG in Riga (Latvia): Terbatas street 14-2 Riga, LV-1011Latvia, +37 129448248, info@walldorfconsulting.com


Location in Frankfurt

Find PKS Software GmbH in Frankfurt: Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36 c/o Regus Offices; 60325 Frankfurt am Main; Tel.: +49 751 56140 0; Mail: info@pks.de


Location in Munich

Find us on site in Munich: ARS Computer und Consulting GmbH; catworkx GmbH, novaCapta GmbH; TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH


Location in Leipzig

Find TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH in Leipzig: Augustusplatz 1-4, 04109 Leipzig, Mail: Info@TIMETOACT.DE


Location in Nuremberg

Find novaCapta GmbH in Nuremberg: Isaak-Loewi-Straße 11-17; 90763 Fürth, info@novacapta.de


Location in Barcelona

Find catworkx S.L. Spain: Av. Diagonal 640, Planta 6 08017 Barcelona, Spain, +34 936 07 24 80, info-es@catworkx.com


Location in Hannover

Find novaCapta GmbH and PKS Software GmbH in Hannover: Heiligerstraße 7, 30159 Hanover